Git and GitHub Commands
Git Setup: Configuring User Information Across All Repositories
1. Set Your Username
🔹 git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global "John Doe"
2. Set Your Email Address
🔹 git config --global "[valid-email]"
$ git config --global ""
3. Check Your Configuration
🔹 git config --global --list
$ git config --global --list
4. Update or Remove Configuration (if needed)
$ git config --global --replace-all "Jane Doe"
$ git config --global --replace-all ""
5. Remove User Configuration
$ git config --global --unset-all
$ git config --global --unset-all
Git Essentials: Initialize,Clone, Set Up Remote, and Push Changes
1. Initialize a New Repository
🔹 Navigate to Your Project Directory
$ cd /path/to/your/project
🔹 Initialize the Repository
$ git init
🔹 Add All Files to the Staging Area
$ git add .
🔹 Commit the Initial Set of Files
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
2. Clone an Existing Repository
🔹 Clone a Repository
$ git clone
🔹 Navigate into the Cloned Repository
$ cd repository-name
3. Set Up Remote Repository
🔹 Add a Remote Repository
$ git remote add origin
🔹 Verify the Remote URL
$ git remote -v
4. Push Changes to GitHub
🔹 Push Changes to the Remote Repository
$ git push -u origin main
1. Checking Status of Your Files
🔹 git status
$ git status
2. Adding Files to Staging Area
🔹 git add [file]
$ git add index.html
3. Unstaging Files
🔹 git reset [file]
$ git reset index.html
4. Viewing Unstaged Changes
🔹 git diff
$ git diff
5. Viewing Staged Changes
🔹 git diff --staged
$ git diff --staged
6. Committing Your Changes
🔹 git commit -m “[descriptive message]”
$ git commit -m "Add new feature to the homepage"
Git Branching & Merging:-
1. Listing Branches
🔹 git branch
$ git branch
2. Creating a New Branch
🔹 git branch [branch-name]
$ git branch feature-new-design
3. Switching Between Branches
🔹 git checkout [branch-name]
$ git checkout feature-new-design
4. Merging Branches
🔹 git merge [branch-name]
$ git merge feature-new-design
5. Viewing Commit History
🔹 git log
$ git log
Git Share & Update: Keep Your Repositories in Sync
1. Adding a Remote Repository
🔹 git remote add [alias] [url]
$ git remote add origin
2. Fetching Branches from a Remote Repository
🔹 git fetch [alias]
$ git fetch origin
3. Merging a Remote Branch into Your Local Branch
🔹 git merge [alias]/[branch]
$ git merge origin/main
4. Pushing Local Commits to a Remote Repository
🔹 git push [alias] [branch]
$ git push origin main
5. Pulling and Merging Updates from a Remote Repository
🔹 git pull
$ git pull
Git Tracking: Handling File Removals and Path Changes
**1. Removing a File from the Project
**🔹 Delete the File and Stage the Removal
$ git rm [file]
$ git rm old-file.txt
2. Moving or Renaming a File
🔹 Change an Existing File Path and Stage the Move
$ git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
Example: $ git mv docs/old-name.txt docs/new-name.txt
3. Viewing Path Changes in Commit Logs
🔹 Show Commit Logs with Path Movement Indications
$ git log --stat -M
example:$ git log --stat -M